We’re happy to introduce two of our most requested features - multiple website management and auto approval of 5 star posts.

Agency / multiple website management

Up until today, agencies and other multi-business clients needed to have a separate Repuso account for each website. Not any more! You can now manage all your clients and websites under one Repuso account, and only for $2/m per website.
How to add websites? It’s super easy:

  • Go to “Account” tab
  • Make sure you have a credit card on file. If you don’t - add it
  • Scroll down and click on “Add new website” button
  • Enter a website name, domain and short description
  • Hit “Save website”, you’re done. You can now manage another website, look for the websites dropdown at the top, switch to the new website and add your channels

Auto approve 5 star reviews

This feature can save you a lot of time. If most likely you’ll want to approve your 5 star reviews you receive, you can now turn on the auto approve feature.
Here’s how to do this for an existing channel:

  • Go to “Channels” tab
  • Click on the channel you’d like (note that only channels that support star reviews will have this feature)
  • Check the “Automatically approve posts with 5 star review” checkbox
  • That’s it - you’re done. From now on, 5 star posts received from this channel will be auto approved!

If you have any feedback or other comments, please let us know.

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