
$3 / m
billed annually or $4 monthly
  • 10 reviews
    Display up to 10 reviews on the widget
  • 1 channel
    Connect a review channel of your choice - Google My Business, Yelp, Airbnb and so on.
  • 1 widget unlimited websites & views
  • Review collection tools
    Review Collect page - Your own custom review collection page that included all your review platforms.

    Review routing - Send your good reviews to social platforms while your bad reviews to an internal form.

    NFC items - Boost in-person reviews with single tap NFC review cards & stands. 1 FREE NFC item included, order more as needed.

    Email & SMS automation - Send review requests via Email & SMS, priced by actual usage.
    Review Collect page
    Review routing
    1 NFC card or stand
    Email & SMS automation
  • Single user
  • Repuso branding
    "Powered by Repuso" on widgets
  • IntegrationsSlack, Webhook, API, Guesty
  • Custom CSS
  • Optional addons
    Additional property
    Manage multiple properties on the same account. Show reviews from multiple properties on the same widgets.

    Additional sub account
    Manage multiple businesses / clients, completely separated. Easily switch between accounts.
    Additional property - $4/m Additional sub account - $6/m Video reviews - $9/m Review designer to social - $2/m


$9 / m
billed annually or $12 monthly
  • 1 Business / Property
    A property is a set of all channels, 1 per kind.

    With 1 property you can connect:
    1 x Facebook
    1 x Google My Business
    1 x Yelp
    and so on channels.

    With 2 properties you can connect:
    2 x Facebook
    2 x Google My Business
    2 x Yelp
    and so on channels.
    add more as needed
  • Unlimited reviews
  • 2 widgets unlimited websites & views
  • Review collection tools
    Review Collect page - Your own custom review collection page that included all your review platforms.

    Review routing - Send your good reviews to social platforms while your bad reviews to an internal form.

    NFC items - Boost in-person reviews with single tap NFC review cards & stands. 1 FREE NFC item included, order more as needed.

    Email & SMS automation - Send review requests via Email & SMS, priced by actual usage.
    Review Collect page
    Review routing
    1 NFC card or stand
    Email & SMS automation
  • Single user
  • Repuso branding
    "Powered by Repuso" on widgets
  • IntegrationsSlack, Webhook, API, Guesty
  • Custom CSS
  • Optional addons
    Additional property
    Manage multiple properties on the same account. Show reviews from multiple properties on the same widgets.

    Additional sub account
    Manage multiple businesses / clients, completely separated. Easily switch between accounts.
    Additional property - $4/m Additional sub account - $6/m Video reviews - $9/m Review designer to social - $2/m


$23 / m
billed annually or $33 monthly
  • 1 Business / Property
    A property is a set of all channels, 1 per kind.

    With 1 property you can connect:
    1 x Facebook
    1 x Google My Business
    1 x Yelp
    and so on channels.

    With 2 properties you can connect:
    2 x Facebook
    2 x Google My Business
    2 x Yelp
    and so on channels.
    per account, add more as needed
  • White label
  • Unlimited reviews
  • Unlimited widgets unlimited websites & views
  • Review collection tools
    Review Collect page - Your own custom review collection page that included all your review platforms.

    Review routing - Send your good reviews to social platforms while your bad reviews to an internal form.

    NFC items - Boost in-person reviews with single tap NFC review cards & stands. 1 FREE NFC item included, order more as needed.

    Email & SMS automation - Send review requests via Email & SMS, priced by actual usage.
    Review Collect page
    Review routing
    1 NFC card or stand
    Email & SMS automation
  • Unlimited users
  • Custom CSS
  • 10 IntegrationsSlack, Webhook, API, Guesty
  • Optional addons
    Additional property
    Manage multiple properties on the same account. Show reviews from multiple properties on the same widgets.

    Additional sub account
    Manage multiple businesses / clients, completely separated. Easily switch between accounts.
    Additional property - $2/m Additional sub account - $6/m Video reviews - $9/m Review designer to social - $1/m

Get started with 10 days free trial, it takes only 1 minute

Create a Repuso account
No credit card required!

Frequently Asked Questions

What's a property?

A property is a set of all channels, one per kind (1 x Google, 1 x Facebook, 1 x TripAdvisor etc). Usually used for multiple locations, services or rental properties of the same business. Reviews from different properties can be displayed together in widgets.

What's a sub account?

A sub account is a standalone account, usually used for a new business, service or client. It can have multiple properties and has its own Collect page and widgets.

I'm an agency, is this for me?

It sure is! We offer a fully white labeled solution for agencies and resellers. Read more about it here.

Which payment methods do you accept?

We accept all credit card via Stripe, which is one of the largest payment processing companies in the world.

Do you offer a free trial?

Of course, we offer 10 days free trial, a fully functional account with all features, to try out before buying. No credit card needed.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes you can cancel anytime and your subscription will not be renewed. In case you've paid and changed your mind within 7 days of your payment - we'll issue a full refund for your payment.

Customer reviews

Yes that's one of our widgets