Get started with Repuso now!
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Collect more positive reviews with smart routing

Create various review widgets for your website

List reviews

List style reviews on any page you want to increase conversion.

Floating badge

Average star reviews from various channels on a floating review badge.


Showcase your reviews with beautiful slider.


Eye catching, floating widget that beautifully features your reviews

Floating widget

Show your latest reviews in a floating widget in the bottom of the browser on your site

Review grid

Display a browsable grid of your latest reviews on your website.

Inline reviews

Integrate reviews on any page you want to increase conversion.

Floating badge

Average star reviews from various channels on a floating review badge.

Photo review slider

Showcase your reviews with featured photos with beautiful slider.

Your widget, the way you want it

Get started with Repuso now!
No credit card required, takes 2 minutes

Not only TripAdvisor? We got you covered.

Connect your review sources and manage all reviews from one place.
Show the reviews on one widget or separate them into different widgets.

Control which reviews to show from one dashboard

Auto approve your 5 star reviews or manually choose them.

Easy implementation

Copy and paste a block of code to your website and you're done.
Using Wordpress? We've got a plugin for you: Tripadvisor reviews for Wordpress ingegration guide.

Agency / managing multiple businesses? Not a problem.

Create sub accounts for your clients or businesses and manage them all from your dashboard. Easy.

Get started with Repuso now!
No credit card required, takes 2 minutes