We’re happy to introduce the new Media Wall reviews widget. Beautifully show your best media reviews on your website.
Do you have photo and/or video reviews from Instagram, Google My Business, Youtube and other platforms? Showcase them properly in this special media, Pinterest like widget.
Main functionality
- beautiful, animated reviews widget
- showcase photos, videos and text
- showcase multiple photos and videos for the same review in an inline slider
- show your reviews from any supported platform, on the same widget
- fully customizable to match to your website using preset options and custom css
- responsive, mobile ready
- rich search results enabled
- create multiple widgets for different pages
- control the testimonials displayed with smart tags
- always up to date - show the latest social proof rating
- Wordpress ready via our plugin
Create different variations for different locations
Place different widgets in various look and feel on different web pages to maximize the effect. Show product / service specific reviews on each widget.
Easy to use settings page

Related article: How to collect video reviews from your clients